BRICS Business Magazine is the oldest publication about BRICS in Russia, having been released in Russian and English since 2012.
BRICS Business Magazine is a magazine for global investors, businessmen, politicians and the expert community. It is a quarterly business and humanities publication about fast-growing markets, explaining how to understand one another. The aim of the BRICS Business Magazine project is direct information exchange between the BRICS+ countries and other emerging markets.
BRICS Business Magazine is an element of the developing world that can effectively retrieve new knowledge from it. The magazine’s content is best described by its motto: “Bridging communities. Guiding Investors. Leading Nations.”
Bridging Communities. BRICS is a community of people united by different goals and interests and acting as the primary generator of ideas and meanings, social, cultural and economic trends that govern the global agenda. The magazine is a place for members of BRICS business and professional communities to rendezvous in order to share their experience in handling problems and to shape the new world.
Guiding Investors. BRICS is the most promising and rapidly growing segment of the global economy. The magazine is a platform providing today’s global investors with all the information they require on their target markets and the skills they need for properly understanding, predicting and acting in uncharted waters.
Leading Nations. BRICS is a progressive association that is transforming the global economic architecture and aspires to a role that appropriately reflects the ever-growing economic power of BRICS. The magazine is a platform where politicians and their closest advisors, global and local think tanks, and authors of fundamental studies on the future of individual countries and civilizations hold discussions in interviews and articles.